Image Converter to JPEG, PNG, and WebP File Formats

Need to convert your images from one format or size to another? We’ve got you covered with

Why Do I Need to Convert Images?

There are many reasons why you might need to convert your images. If you have a website or blog, you may need to decrease the size of images to allow them to fit within your web pages and reduce page load time. Another reason to covert photos is to change their file format. Depending on whether you print, email, or use the image on a website may dictate what file type and size you need. PNG files are very different than JPEG files and depending on how you use them; you may need to switch. That is when an image converter comes in handy. is a free online image converter that works simply and flawlessly.

JPEG is a popular web format due to compression and small file sizes, but this file type is lossy (meaning it loses clarity when you enlarge small images). It also does not work well for drawings or logos. JPEG is also the file type most digital cameras use. People choose JPEGs to create a balance between quality and file size. JPEGs work well for print graphics.

PNG files are lossless, meaning you can resize them up or down without losing any quality. PNGs work really well for photographs and documents or logos. However, what you gain in quality, you lose in compression (these files are typically larger). Another big benefit of using PNG files is you can save them using a transparent background; this is ideal for websites. PNGs also support more colors than GIF files.

How to Convert Images into Different File Formats Using

The biggest question you have to ask yourself when you decide to convert images online is how will you be using them? The answer to that will help you decide on format type. Should you convert from PNG to JPEG or JPEG to PNG? Let’s talk about how to convert them easily in either direction using the

Convert PNG to JPEG for Free / Convert PNG to WEBP Online

  1. If you have some high-quality PNG files that you need to convert for the web (compressed smaller sizes), JPEG is the way to go. To use to convert your files:
  2. Open in your favorite browser.
  3. Drag and drop your PNG file onto the box on the home page where it says, “Drop your images here.”
  4. Once it loads, you can adjust the size if you like. Your choices using the drop-down are “by Width,” “by Height,” “by Largest Side,” “by Percentage,” and “Custom.”
  5. Next, use the Optimize slider to adjust how much you want to balance quality vs. size (none equals the highest quality without any compression).
  6. Finally, use the drop-down in the “Convert to” box and change PNG to WEBP or JPG.
  7. Press the green Save button.
  8. Your new converted image will automatically download to your computer.

Convert JPEG to PNG

Conversely, if you want to convert your JPEG images to PNG, so they retain their quality and you can re-size without them turning blurry, you can do this with the also.

  1. Open in your web browser.
  2. Drag and drop your JPEG file to the box on the home page that says, “Drop your image here.” This app supports PNG, JPEG, BMP, TIFF, GIFF, and WEBP file formats.
  3. Optionally, you can adjust the size using the drop-down and width/height adjustments in the “Resize image” box.
  4. Use the Optimization slider to choose a balance between quality and size (low or no compression = higher quality but a larger file size).
  5. Use the drop-down to select PNG in the “Convert to” box.
  6. Press the green Save button.
  7. Your new PNG file will download to your computer automatically.